OLG Old Lady Gardener #34 Looking to Spring

It is late Saturday afternoon and my daughter and I are determined to bring a bit of spring into the day. It is 30 degrees outside and has been heavily snowing on and off all day. I have shoveled a heavy wet snow once already.

(I avoided hubby since I was not suppose to be doing that. A left shoulder of irate nerve endings that are caught in a pain cycle and a new round of PT tells me this is not a good idea but I have had it with snow everywhere. So as my mother use to say when she was in her late 80’s “I only pushed it. That is not shoveling!”)

My daughter tromped in with snow falling from her hair, shoulders. and boots. Although the snow followed her in we left the winter thoughts behind and began taking apart the winter wreaths. The pine needles falling like snow on the floor, red ribbons pulled off and the winter fake flowers removed. We pulled out the spring flowers – the pinks, purples, light greens and white perked up the dinning room table quickly.

The image on the left is the view from the front of the house that our spring wreath looks out onto, the image on the right is our bit of spring!

No one was home but the two of us. No Little Man to add to the mess or hubby to wonder about the mess we were making. We chatted compared and quickly had a two spring wreaths to hang on the outside of the house. Ok, it felt a bit stupid to step out into the whirling snow with my spring blossoms but darn it we were going to find spring.

A quick clean up and we turned the dinning room table to a garden center. The seed packets were out, the large container of seed starting mix was out with moist soil ready for planting. The garden journal open to record what was being planted today. It just did not matter that the sidewalk was once again covered in snow and our young shoveler would need to be call. (shoveling once during the day was all I could handle right now.) It did not matter that my daughters car was covered in snow again.

We looked to spring. We planted seeds for coleus, dahlia, bunny tail grass, yarrow, sweet peas, and dusty miller. A tray and half later seeds were planted, watered in and under grow lights. The geraniums were checking on, the shallots given a quick hair cut and we slowly began our clean up.

The greenhouse became the dining room once again. We lifted our eyes to the snow still drifting down with added bits of rain that meant icy roads. There was an audible sigh from both of us as we watched the on going March winter. The world was deep grey skies with white everywhere else.

We will hang in there. Sunday brings daylight savings time and light a bit longer into the evening. Each day brings the temperature up just a bit more with the hope of melting snow. Inside the sunroom there are tiny plants holding the joy of spring and gardens. They grow slowly but keep growing just like our weather it is warming slowly but it keeps warming.

Green grass and colorful flowers will find us – maybe not until May but they will come!

The joy of spring was had, if only for a few hours yesterday but every little bit helps!

I am now headed off to scroll the internet for those places around the country that are experiencing an early spring or just spring itself. There are pictures of snowdrops, daffodils, blood root and more to be found with an easy click of the fingers.

Spring is officially March 20th and that is eight days away! Count them 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8! I am sure the snow will have to begin melting then. Right???!!!!

Below is last years first Snowdrop. It was spotted on April 1, 2022! I am not sure we will be melted down to the ground level this year but here is hoping!

About Joanne Toft

I am a retired Minneapolis Public School teacher. I walk, garden, care for my Grandson and write. Life is good!
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5 Responses to OLG Old Lady Gardener #34 Looking to Spring

  1. Eileen Clark says:

    We here in Kentucky are supposed to be in the 50’s, our lows at night by now!I have plants everywhere in my house and three kinds of flowering bulbs buried in peat moss in a box in my bathroom, you know, keep them in a cool dark place until ready for planting. It’s killing us, especially the folks that  make a living off of their gardening.

  2. Eileen Clark says:

    These are our temperatures:
    Irvine Ky.
    Sun. Mon. Tue. Wed. Thu. Fri Sat. Sun.
    42-35 41-26 43-22 51-27 63-49 60-43 46-26 48-28.

    Guess I won’t be planting my things until April. 😦

  3. Ramona says:

    I love that you made spring wreaths with snow falling and then planted seeds, continuing to look to spring! My grandson keeps telling me that it’s spring already, but I keep telling him, “Not until next week.”
    His earnest reply, “Grandma, it’s still cold when spring starts.” I think that’s preschool wisdom.
    At least we’re not cold like you are. I’m hoping for a few days of warmer weather for you.

  4. Yay! I love this! I did my winter sowing yesterday (with just 8 days to spare) and I loved it, too. So exuberant to just be among the seed packers again, right? I love your wreath and your grow light set up- so impressive. Thank you for sharing your spring fever. It’s contagious 🙂

  5. The wreath and the snowdrop are beautiful!
    While trees are blooming and many of the daffodils are out, it’s still chilly here. (In fact, I am writing about something related for today’s slice.)

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