OLG Old Lady Gardener #33 Friday Morning Spin

Friday: When working full time I was always happy for Friday. A step closer to a weekend and a bit of open time. Well, years into retirement and three years into taking care of Little man during the week has me once again happy to see Friday arrive.

I love that Little Man is here. I love that we are so much apart of his life. I will miss him when he heads off to pre school or school and we do not have this daily connection. The world will seem very odd indeed.

Yet I think I am ready for full retirement. I am ready to take a drawing class on a Monday. I am ready to ask a friend to tea mid week. I am ready to spend time in my garden in a slow and causal way instead of working fast to fit it in.

I also know when he is not here daily there will be times when I am lost and will not know what to do with myself.

There is big discussion going on at his house these days. Do they enroll him in a high five program? Do they enroll him in a, 4 mornings a week, park program? What is best for them and him?

He is a quick thinker and needs to be challenged and has great social skill with adults. He does fine with a few small group of friends but we all know he needs to learn how to socialize in a larger group of kids and how to learn to follow an adult/teacher. Right now he is great at giving directions to all of us. He is in charge. At least he thinks he is.

We are better at letting him know he will have to wait or no I am not running to get that toy or blanket. We are working hard to not to spoil him too much.

Back to the point of this writing which is not Little Man. Today I am sorting through the thoughts on what full retirement looks and feels like. I have known for a long time that I am outward focused. I do great when there are tasks before me. I can plan, create and execute them easily. But give me wide open space and time where I choose what I want to do and I falter a bit. I am comfortable with outside structure.

Now I know that I will need to create the structure of events and activities myself. This next fall will be a time of readjusting to life without a little one running around Monday through Friday. It will be good and yet odd.

It will be great to see how he changes and what happens as he steps into a bigger world. It will also be good to see what happens for me as I step into a world that I create.

Funny how a little thing like a Friday morning can spin you off into thoughts of life changes and growing up and growing old.

There we are Little Man and I – one growing up to fast and one growing old to fast!

No matter what it is all good and has been a great ride!

And tomorrow is Saturday – a open day so what will I do?

(I will be planting seeds for a spring garden – even as it continues to snow here in Minnesota!)

About Joanne Toft

I am a retired Minneapolis Public School teacher. I walk, garden, care for my Grandson and write. Life is good!
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1 Response to OLG Old Lady Gardener #33 Friday Morning Spin

  1. Ramona says:

    Love this! So much to consider and ponder and think about as we face changes. Somehow I knew how you’d be spending this open day. Enjoy!

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