Slice of Life/5 -Stuck in a room

It is mid morning but I can not tell. I don’t know if it is sunny or raining or snowing. The lights are bright and the windows are dark. They once gave us outside light but now are the back drop to a new stage and gym and reflect only black. The air is cool for the 30 some computers and the large server that is humming in the backroom. The noise from the hallway tells me there are others in the building and that students are busy moving through their day. In here is is often super quiet.

I am in charge of students coming in and out to complete testing. Most times it is a group. They come in and go out with ease. At the moment I am with one young gentleman who is to finish a speaking test. He is alone in the room with me so has decided to make it a show with voices. He is carrying on a discussion with the young girl in the computer. He wants to impress me with his goofiness but I am not interested. The more I ignore him the more he preforms. At one point he is moon walking across the floor. He is smart and so capable but has let the 5th grade out of control behavior win today.  When he settles and works there is amazing information that comes forth. He knows his stuff that is for sure.

But we are stuck together in this room with no true windows and way to bright lights. He will not finish. We can not leave. So I sit quietly and listen to the hum of the server and think about trees, grass and plants emerging from the thawing soil. (no the soil is not really thawing today it is below zero out there but when stuck in a room one can create whatever you want in your imagination. I want sun, trees with green leaves and plants. )

I sit, he chats with the computer and suddenly he clicks the final button. He moon walks across the floor in his bright red polka dotted socks one more time, puts on his blue and orange shoes and as we open the door he emerges from the room with a leap and yells – I AM FREE!  – and off he goes.

I have to admit I wanted to join him in that jubilant jump for freedom!



About Joanne Toft

I am a retired Minneapolis Public School teacher. I walk, garden, care for my Grandson and write. Life is good!
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3 Responses to Slice of Life/5 -Stuck in a room

  1. lemenabroad says:

    I feel so badly for kids and testing. It is my least favorite part of education.

  2. arjeha says:

    I can’t imagine anything more depressing than to be stuck in a room with no windows and then to have to take a test.

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