Slice of Life /4 – focus – a jumping mind

You know the kids in your class who can not focus. You can watch as they are singing or doing dance moves as you give directions. You see them wondering around the room not sure why they got up but they know they are getting something while their minds skips over what happened at breakfast or the fight on the bus or the test they know they have to take later in the week. We, as people, have minds that like to spin and are quick to respond to the moving world around us.

I am one of those kids, now old lady, who mostly could drive you crazy. I am always thinking of so many things. Age, yoga and meditation have helped me to keep my mind on one thing. (well maybe two or three things not 20 or 30.)

But there are times or days when I seem to fall back into old spinning habits. Today being one of those days. I am at work testing English Language Learners. We are on the last of four tests – it is writing and they are struggling as so many young children do – especially in a new language. I am worried about them. I am worried about who I have missed and who needs a different setting to do well.

My mind is also thinking about the guys on my house roof who are removing ice IMG_6962.jpgdams. Lots of ice dams! I am worried about what water might be running down the inside of walls that I can not see. I know my worrying and wanting to be home will not help. Doug is there to handle it all and he does a great job but still my mind keeps jumping to snow and ice.

Then I realized I have writing to do myself – I have this writing challenge and I have my personal writing I have set goals for. I have a baby quilt I set goals for and am behind. While trying to let all this go I flash to my brother and his health, to my daughter and the baby that is on its way. I am spinning today.

I am beginning to wonder if there was extra caffeine in the chia I had this morning.  I need to slow down…….

So now I am stopping – take a deep breath, another one and one more.

I think about what I have done with children to settle them into their work.

A few stretches done slowly and with attention.

A few more breaths again done slowly and with attention.

Now as the children come into write – I will try hard to move slowly, with attention so that they also can focus on the task at hand. (I don’t want my spinning to push them into that mode of working.)


Move slowly

Think – breathe again images.jpg

Then do – one thing at a time!

Here is to a happy slow Monday!



About Joanne Toft

I am a retired Minneapolis Public School teacher. I walk, garden, care for my Grandson and write. Life is good!
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4 Responses to Slice of Life /4 – focus – a jumping mind

  1. arjeha says:

    Sometimes our minds just don’t want to slow down. We need to remind ourselves to kick it back a gear. Hope you were able to slow down.

  2. Alice Nine says:

    Ah… Yesterday, I wrote about breathing; it was with a different twist. I like yours — slowing down.

  3. Katie O says:

    Thanks for the great reminder not to get too caught up in all the stress! Just breathe!

  4. Ramona says:

    “Then do – one thing at a time.” Oh, this advice is hard to follow. I love how you talked yourself and breathed yourself into a slower pace, one that would be beneficial for your students. Now can you do that for me? I have a load in the washer and some clothes to spot before washing, toys to pick up, dinner to prep, dishes in the sink, and a slice to write for tomorrow! And several horizontal surfaces that need decluttering!

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