Day 28: personal rhythms

images.jpgIt is day 28 of writing. It has been a great run and most days I have been ready and excited to write. Today I was up before 6:00 am and off to test kids by 7:00. We managed to get three 5th grade classes done with the state science test. (just 5 makes ups),  I quilted for a few hours with an old friend then meet my husband and another friend for dinner.

It is now 7:30 pm and I have just gotten home for the day. I have just sat down with my computer and realize my brain is turning off. I am done for the day. I reviewed titles of other blog posts, I thought about the conversation at dinner and the events with students. All interesting, all good events but nothing that I wish to write about.

I realize I just want a blank page.

It was a busy day with very little time sitting except when quilting but that was highly focused work as well. There was no down time just lots of people time.

It is funny – when I was younger that is what I lived on – days like today where I was going all the time. I wanted days where there were lots of people around and lots of things to do. Now 4 1/2 years into retirement I don’t want and don’t need that kind of day anymore. I like a day with some activity and some personal time to read or write maybe to garden (indoors or out). I need time to go walking. I crave time alone and quiet time during my day.

It is interesting how we change over time. I suppose I could call it aging, slowing down but I don’t think that is it. I think I am now looking for balance in my life – some activity and some stillness. I am finding that I like time alone to think, reflect and work at my own pace whether that is fast or slow. I like finding my own rhythm for my day.

Today was a day I fit into others rhythms so now 12 hours later I am ready for a clear blank page. Time to just pull in and be quiet for awhile.

So I will see you tomorrow!


About Joanne Toft

I am a retired Minneapolis Public School teacher. I walk, garden, care for my Grandson and write. Life is good!
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4 Responses to Day 28: personal rhythms

  1. ureadiread says:

    Enjoy the quiet and the stillness.

  2. Trina Haase says:

    May you have more days filled with calm and time to think. I also crave alone time – it is how I recharge. I think that I have been like this all my life, but I ignored it! Those busy, full days are what makes me so cranky. I think this is why writing is such a good fit for me.

  3. Ramona says:

    Lovely reflection about how you might be changing. I love time alone more than I used to. My favorite evenings/days are the ones when I get to stay home. Isn’t it nice to know what you want and need? Here’s to less time spent testing (I know it’s only beginning) and more time to walk, read, write, and garden. I thought about you yesterday when I wrote my “I’m not a gardener” post. When DO I dig up the bulbs?

  4. I admit… I am on spring break and some days have been really hard to get my writing done. Such a sense of accomplishment to just get some thoughts on paper though. The metaphor of a blank page is refreshing.

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