OLG Old Lady Gardener #26 Day three – Home

The March Writing Challenge of Two Writing Teachers is off and running and …

I am not off to a great start here since I missed day two but I am here now as Little Man sleeps beside me this afternoon. He sleeps that deep undisturbed sleep of a child dropping into a world of dreams even at 2 in the afternoon. He sleeps and I write blog posts. (ok, just for the record this post did not get done until much later since this guy woke up a bit too soon to finish.)

Sleep for me is hard to find these days. Naps are restless and the nights are not good. Old age and a gardeners old body has robbed me of those long blissful hours of sleep. So in the wee hours of the morning when I can’t sleep I have been writing blog posts in my head. The house is too chilly to get up and really write. I do wish those blog post would just magically show up on my computer the next morning but no go!

Anyway I have wander off my topic – actually never really started it. So let’s get focused!

On Monday Deborah Dillon wrote a beautiful piece on home titled Coming Home, taken from a painting. (So look it up if you did not read it on Day One.) The question asked was “What does it mean to come home?” I had a whole post written, in my head, but now it eludes me and in its place is the tale of last night and why blog post number two for this month never got written.

Little Man’s Dad is away on a trip and left yesterday morning. So Mom, my daughter, and Little Man are on their own for four days. Two of them busy work days for Missy plus evening on line PD class. So suddenly we shifted. Little Man and Mom were set for an overnight with Grandpa and Grandma! The excitement on his little face Thursday morning as he came in with stuffed animals, new striped PJ’s and his favorite breakfast cereal.

The day moved forward as always. Mom off to work and Little Man and us building, drawing, taking care of his ‘stuffies’. But there was putting clean sheets on the bed and his realization that this was his bed for the night with mom. There was moving his toothbrush that he likes to keep in our upstairs bathroom to the bathroom in the basement. His room for the night. Many conversation of did we get Disney channel because we needed to watch Frozen II, (Grandpa and Grandma had not seen it yet.)There was the worry on how we would all fit on the couch if he wanted to lay down. What were we going to do because Grandma had not gotten popcorn? He decided that pretzels would be ok.

Three of us still working our way up from last weekends flu but it did not matter. The comfort level at which he settled in and the comfort level his mom who also seems to settle with coming ‘home’ for a night was clear. We ordered dinner out and sat around the table chatting quietly as Mom and her computer joined us. (oh boy – evening PD on zoom!)

Then we were cleaning up and getting connected to our movie of the night. The fun of putting on PJ’s and eating pretzels even if he did not eat the best dinner. Then the night settled down as Frozen II ended. He instructed all of us on how to floss your teeth and we would told it was time for bed. Got to love a three year old.

His mom and I lingered in the kitchen over a last cup of tea talking schools, reading programs and PD.

We are settled into our own beds and I checked my watch before reading a bit and realized it was just 8:00 pm. So much had happened in this day. So many little activities, conversations and little joys.

I was ready to sleep or at least lay there and enjoy reviewing the moments – the small statements from Little Man and his true joy at staying longer at our house for a night.

Morning arrived at 6:00 am today with the sound of small feet on the wooden floor and little eyes checking to see if we were up and ready to play. In truth, Grandpa was up and drinking coffee. I was still in bed but working on getting my eyes open. Oh the energy of little ones even when they are sick.

All of this is to say that these last two days were all about what makes a home. A house is just a house but it is the people who fill it that make it home!

I am more than grateful for this family of mine. We have all been through ups and downs and there are more to come I am sure but for now I will rejoice in these small moments and hold them dear!

Oh yes, Little Man and I also climbed snow mountains up at the local school parking lot. Just because we could! Well, he did most of the climbing!

By the way this is early spring in Minnesota!


About Joanne Toft

I am a retired Minneapolis Public School teacher. I walk, garden, care for my Grandson and write. Life is good!
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3 Responses to OLG Old Lady Gardener #26 Day three – Home

  1. Love the adventures with Little Man, but watching the littles sleep is so peaceful. Wishing you a restful sleep now that the house is filled. Happy slicing!

  2. Cherished times together make the most treasured memories! I love the picture of Little Man in the snow.

  3. Ramona says:

    Oh, I can identify so much with your stories. Little ones who wake early, the fun of doing overnights at Grandma & Grandpa’s. Serious directives from three year olds. It all comes together to make home full of the people we love!

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