Day 15 – #SOL2021: Feel wimpy today!

Monday arrived dark and cold. The forces of winter have returned and our balmy 48 degrees has fallen to 30 with winds taking it down to 20 degrees. The time change meant that the light did not arrive until close to 7:00 am. By mid morning the gray was still with us and the snow has begun to fall.

It is a day that blankets, good books and naps were made for.

Added to the weather and the hour loss (which usually does no effect me but did this year) I spent Sunday night sleeping hours in conversation with myself. I don’t know why but every few hours all night I was awaken but a conversation that was running through my head. A conversation that just kept going. Have you ever had that happen. It is very odd indeed.

The first one was triggered by an email I read just before going to bed (bad idea to read emails before bed). Nothing scary or bad. It was my cousin sharing research she was doing on the family history. She had found several short articles about my father and wanted to share them.

I had a great conversation with myself about my dad and what I did not know about him. He died when I was five. A great blog post – but it will have to keep for another day. Too tired.

I drifted off to wake again about 3:45 to a new conversation about the woman of my family. There are more women than men and they appear to me to all be involved in some type of research. Does detail research work run in our DNA? A few are actual researchers that get paid to do that work but the others are just interested in a topic and gather and organize lots of information about lots of topics. Again a great blog post but just too tired to explore it today.

It was some time after 4:15 when I was once again awaken thinking about history and the gathering of ideas, thoughts and things. I am sure this was trigger by my earlier thoughts about the family researchers. This time my thoughts went back to a unit I taught my 4th and 5th grade students years ago. We worked in connection with the U of M, Weismen Art Gallery, when a touring exhibit can to town. The exhibit was call Boxes of Curiosity. A way of looking at the world through the things we gather. Again a great blog post for another day.

You get the idea my night was spent processing the world around me and doing very little sleep. I do have a few great ideas for blog posts for the rest of the week.

So now as Little Man naps beside me I am going to join him in hope of actually sleeping.

It is quietly snowing. The sky is grey and my eyes are closing and I feel like a wimp but for now I don’t care. I am of to take a nap!

About Joanne Toft

I am a retired Minneapolis Public School teacher. I walk, garden, care for my Grandson and write. Life is good!
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5 Responses to Day 15 – #SOL2021: Feel wimpy today!

  1. Terje says:

    Fascinating things kept you up this night. Enjoy your day of blankets, good books, naps and perhaps some writing.

  2. arjeha says:

    Enjoy your nap. You deserve it. There is nothing worse than a interrupted night’s sleep. Makes you lethargic all the net day.

  3. Raivenne says:

    Oh, conversations with yourself in the middle of the night are not conducive to an energetic day as is; the weather did not help. Enjoy your nap and being a human burrito for a bit.

  4. Shaista says:

    Some conversations and thoughts have a way of creeping up on us at the most inopportune moments. Happened when I was out on my walk today. As I was returning, I realized I had not enjoyed the peace and tranquility i normally do, because of those conversations with myself.

  5. Ramona says:

    Oh, I hope you were able to nap when Little Man did. I stretched out on Saturday for a bit of shut eye during Jack’s quiet time. It felt so luxurious! I understand those middle of the night conversations. I seem to have more of them than usual during March.

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