#12 Little Shifts

The amount of tension running through my system these days is off the charts. There are been so much family stress not to even mention the world stress. I have been working hard to release and relax. I am watching those little sign that show tension or stress in my body. Are my shoulders pulling up to my ears? Am I clenching my jaw? Is my breathing shallow? These are the big ones for me. I bet you can name those places you see and feel when tension appears.

images.jpgI have spent time doing yoga, walking, breathing and doing yogic breathing. I have given myself lots of positive statements to say and repeat. Mainly they are about letting go. They are about releasing tension and moving forward in joy and trust. This has been going on for a month or more. I keep wondering if all this does any good. Then came today

I went to yoga knowing I needed to keep plugging away at release and having a yoga teacher guide me through a good long yoga session helps. I am usually stiff as a board with lots of little back and hip issues. I  have been having higher than normal blood pressure so we have been checking it each time and we watch it lower with each yoga session.

Today we began as usual and I could feel the stiffness as we started but then there was that moment when I felt my back shoulder blades drop just a bit more than they ever do. A moment when my arms stretched out without my back answering with a twitch of  aching. The realization that my breathing was even and comfortable. My jaw was relaxed. My mind was free to let go if just for a few minutes. My blood pressure, which should have been off the charts was lower and within normal range to start the season.

All this work over time is making a shift – day by day or moment by moment. Even on a week that began with little sleep and lots of worry I am ending it holding a small sense of calm, quiet and trust if just for a little bit.

Changes can and do happen but they are often in little shifts. Look for those shifts in yourself. Where and when are you calm? What brings a smile to your face? What helps you relax your jaw or shoulders? When do you notice your breathing as peaceful and calm?

In these days of high stress and change take the time to look for the little shifts toward peace and calm. Then repeat those things that help you get there. Our health depends of it.

Oh also, smile whenever you can and at all you see. It helps make a little shift as well! This guy can make anyone smile even on the hard days. Join him in smiling to those around you!  We all need a little smile these days to help us shift!




About Joanne Toft

I am a retired Minneapolis Public School teacher. I walk, garden, care for my Grandson and write. Life is good!
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4 Responses to #12 Little Shifts

  1. Thank you for this well written piece and this reminder. I have enjoyed yoga, but have not stayed with it long enough to see a shift. Time to try again.

  2. I appreciate the tension that this day has given us all…and then your smiling fellow at the end….put a smile on my face. Thank you

  3. jarhartz says:

    What you are doing is so important. It is so much about the consistent practice to de-stress. The positive messages, the awareness, letting go, and most of all smiling. Little things add up!

  4. dearobb says:

    Every little shift helps. Thank you.

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