The blank page

imagesI am drawing a blank – the page is before me and I have no words. It has been a long time since I have found myself with nothing to write. The topics that run through my head are things I have written about over and over again. The daily events are small and would only take a line or two. The thoughts in my head are crazy and jumbled – little snippets of emotions, thoughts and feelings. Nothing that I feel I can really write about.

I thought of a book review but I am in the middle of three books – one a reread, one for my book group in another week or so and one that is non fiction about the environment. All good but I am not far enough to really share much about them. Well, the reread is a book I read in the dead of winter every year because its action happens in the summer. (This year our winter has come early so I am reread this book early. Hmmm – what will be my summer read in January?)

So here I sit with ideas tumbling and no where to go with them

  • there is daily life with Mason (my 5 1/2 month old grandson)
  • there is my health and how to keep moving in ice and snow
  • there is the need to clean out a basement full of history and re do it to bring it up to current times ( it is a basement out of 1950’s)
  • there is my observational drawing and learning to watercolor
  • there is the concern and worry about my daughter and cancer
  • there is the thought to do something good for someone each day of December (I have made it all two days)
  • there is the plans for the holidays and how to keep it simple, family fun and not over the top gifts and things

As you can see my thinking is all over the place. I guess it is that time of year when life is busy, and thoughts go running.

My goal is to make it day by day through December and look to the last week of the month/year to slow down, reflect and take stock in all that happened this year. I want to take that time to close out this years journal writing, reflect on my One Little Word ( Evolve). Then set a coarse for next year.  Wish me luck!

( While looking back at last years last posts I found a set of interesting questions that I asked myself – I will share those next week. Interesting to review last years posts.   Do you return to your posts at this time of year?)


About Joanne Toft

I am a retired Minneapolis Public School teacher. I walk, garden, care for my Grandson and write. Life is good!
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3 Responses to The blank page

  1. arjeha says:

    Sometimes just making a list of possible topics or rejected ideas fills the writing void. Good luck on the monthly goal you set for yourself.

  2. I, too, am setting a course for next year by starting to think of my OLW. I’m not sure how well my OLW from 2019 served me. In some ways good and in some ways it was an unachievable word during the past few months of the year.

  3. Well, for having trouble, you still ended up having a substantial post. You might be able to come back to it in the future for an idea, just like you found you could do with the list of questions from last year’s post. I have felt a little “flat” in my posts lately – I am not sure why, but I think at some point we all wonder what to write about. I think you have a good plan to generate ideas.

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