Slice of Life / 25

We are here! Spring is finally here! I know I have written about this a great deal!  Sorry to those of you who have been following me. It is just that the winter was long and hard.

Late this afternoon my husband I took our first long walk of the season to a little bar and grill about 2 miles away. This is a walk we do often on summers evening. The last time we walked this path was early November, maybe even October of last year. It has been almost 5 months.

The air was still very cool, we still wore our winter coats and both had gloves. Well, I had my mittens but still. The snow was melting very slowly, the cold of the frozen ground was lifting into the air and swirling around our legs as we walk.

Dinner and a drink with friends, plus lovely conversation gave us a bit of time to rest. Our summer walking legs are not quite up to speed with the distance. We headed home about 7:30 pm watching the light fade. Amazed that we still had light to walk by. The spring birds were still singing but as the dark closed in around us they quieted. The air was still and our bodies warmed as we walked.

A few puddles still lingered on the sidewalks and dirty ice chucks cluttered the streets. My garden beds still glow in the dark with bits of white snow and the deck lights glow as they now can collect enough sun to shine into the night.

We are in that middle ground – it is still cool, the snow and ice is not completely gone but it is spring in the northland!

My sore feet, rosy cheeks and tired legs are loving it!

Come on Spring!!

(A view from the bridge we cross when walking – taken late last summer. Now there is still snow and rushing spring waters (not flooding but close).  IMG_8651 2.JPG

About Joanne Toft

I am a retired Minneapolis Public School teacher. I walk, garden, care for my Grandson and write. Life is good!
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4 Responses to Slice of Life / 25

  1. Andrea Clark says:

    It is so nice when spring comes! It is such a nice break from the long, dark days of winter. I hope you are able to enjoy the nicer weather.

  2. I enjoyed the walk with you. Thank you for this glimpse into spring. We are all ready for it here!

  3. Ramona says:

    Loved joining you on your evening walk.Hoping you get to move out of that middle ground soon!

  4. arjeha says:

    The hope of Spring is here. It may still be cool. There may still be snow. But days are warm g. It is no longer dark at 4:00. We have waited and we are rewarded.

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