Slice of Life/17 Making Friends with Lists


Lists – When young I use to hate them. They felt like pressure. They sat there staring at me, telling me to get busy and do something. Other people would give me lists and I would do anything but the things on the list. (I have never been very good at following rules.)

Now, as I age, I find that lists have become my friend. They no longer yell at me but are a quick reminder of things I wish to complete. They are an easy way to guide a conversation or a meeting. When the day gets busy they help me to stay organized and focused. When I struggle with open time and I am not sure where to start first a list helps me set priorities.

I found myself yesterday working from lots of lists. I was surprised at how many and how helpful they were.

  • there was the list of seeds we planted and how many
  • the list of how many plants everyone wanted
  • the list of tasks I hope to get completed this weekend – kept me focused
  • the list on my husband’s phone helped us have a good discussion and planning session over wine and a light dinner. We discussed the big house projects for the summer – the do’s and don’ts
  • while thinking about my next post I used a list of topics I wrote at the end of February
  • when my emotions are running wild – too many concerns for friends and family around health these days – I turned to a list of things that are going well and positive to calm my thinking and find the sunshine in things.
  • there is always the list of books I want to read or reread sitting on my notes app on my phone
  • the notes app also carries the grocery list, the list of medications I take in case there is an accident, also the list of health history

As you can see the list of lists could go on forever. I did not even talk about the lists I use for working in the schools or the ones I have used in my classroom. Lists are just a helpful tool. I am glad lists and I now get along so well.

How to you use lists in your life?

About Joanne Toft

I am a retired Minneapolis Public School teacher. I walk, garden, care for my Grandson and write. Life is good!
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5 Responses to Slice of Life/17 Making Friends with Lists

  1. I would never have thought to write about all the different lists I have, and this is such a great idea for a post. I used to keep everything in my head, but now I would be lost without my many, many lists.

  2. Beth Scanlon says:

    Love the use of a list to list your lists. I use a post-it for a list of sorts. So I can throw each individual post-it away as I accomplish something on my list.

  3. greenelit says:

    I am a list-lover. I may or may not put things on a list that I’ve already done, just for the satisfaction of crossing them off. Especially when your life is crowded with thoughts, lists help me remember and keep myself organized.

  4. arjeha says:

    Lists have become my friend as well. It is so easy for me to get side tracked that I need to look at my list and see what I need to do. We don’t realize how many lists we juggle in a day until we write them down and look at them.

  5. Yes, I agree with all the above (or below) comments. Lists are so useful and I don’t use them enough, but I did write down a list of thoughts for this month’s slices (some of which I’ve used) and when I make a list, I enjoy crossing off what’s done. If I make a list I usually lose it and yes, I definitely need a list of books to be read! Thanks for sharing all your ideas!

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