Slice of Life/11 Monday morning drive

Today is not the usual get up and drive to work or the retirement get up and drive to the coffee shop. Today we are headed north to Duluth. I know that does not seem right for a person who is looking for spring. Why in the world would I go further north?

There is a quick break between tests I am giving at the local elementary school and we decided a get away was in order. So between tests and snow storms we are driving north to Lake Superior. A huge lake that is now deeply frozen. The large ore boat are either docked for the winter or somewhere else waiting for the ice to melt and the water to run again.

A weekend of grey rain and snow has opened to a Monday morning of bright sun IMG_6998and warming temperatures. We were on the road by 9:30 with coffee for him and tea for me.

The drive was clear roads, clear blue sky and sparkling woods of white snow and frozen rivers. While driving you have the feeling of traveling through a winter fair tale with tall dark trees on either side of the road. Occasionally you would catch a glimpse of river water running over rapids but most rivers were still solid showing only tracks of animals or snowmobiles running alone them.


As we rounded the hill into Duluth the lake stretches out in front of us gleaming white with a stark blue sky above it. It is frozen for miles. No waves, no sounds – a silent field of snow and ice for as far as you could see.

The B and B we are staying at is at the south end of Lake Superior on a sand beach (unusual for Superior a lake of stone beaches). There is no sand today only ice.

This magical little place is in the city of Duluth, Mn. over IMG_7006.JPGthe lift bridge on a narrow peninsula -a row of houses, a small airport and one Bed and Breakfast with water all around and a view of the lake and the city on hill.  

A great place to rest, read and mediate. It is not spring but what a beautiful place to be.

Thanks Mary and Brian for always welcoming us into your home!  (Solglimt Bed and Breakfast)


About Joanne Toft

I am a retired Minneapolis Public School teacher. I walk, garden, care for my Grandson and write. Life is good!
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5 Responses to Slice of Life/11 Monday morning drive

  1. Your trip getting there has already been lovely. Have a wonderful stay. Hope the sun stays out and shines brightly.

  2. Ramona says:

    What a treat to get away between commitments! I totally get your “winter fairy tale” reference. That’s how it felt as we traveled to our book club retreat last Friday. Enjoy every restful moment.

  3. arjeha says:

    Sometimes you just need a break from things and to get away. Sounds like a lovely place. Relax and enjoy.

  4. This is gorgeous, and has my Canadian husband (living in tepid New Jersey) drooling from your post and pictures. Thank you for the treat both in written and picturesque form.

    • Joanne Toft says:

      He would have loved that their were folks out skiing just a bit after I took the photo and way out there were two dots that by telescope I could see they were out fishing! All great fun in the winter in Minnesota!

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