Snow again – Storms a’coming

It is late. I have been on my feet all day. I am cranky, tired and sore.

I sit in my darkened office at home – computer on my lap, my eyes heavy and my body feeling the pushing of another oncoming storm.

Yes, they have cancelled school once again due to in coming weather. A possible 10 inches of snow to sit on top of the last 20 inches we got over the first weeks of February.  Oh, right we are only mid way through the month. Yikes!

In my late 60’s with arthritis in my hands, hips and who knows where else I wear each new storm as it enters our city. It wraps around my body telling me that the winds will gather and the snow will fly. Even with that ache in my joints I know I will awaken in the wee hours of the morning to watch the start of the flakes tumble down from the sky. Even as I stiffly move through yoga tonight I will walk from window to window tomorrow checking as the snow takes over the neighborhood once again.

I know I can sleep later in the morning – school has already been called so I am free to wander the house and watch the storm arrive in the early morning hours. I will be at the windows at 2 or 3 or 4 am or I will be in bed with my head leaning on the cold glass pane checking for snow flakes.

Through the ache and the tired bones I still have a little kids delight in knowing that a STORM IS COMING! I kept talking about it all day and no one would believe me.

No, I am not afraid I am excited. What joy!

Yes, I am a storm watcher. I love when nature takes over and lets us know that we should just sit back and watch her enjoy her fling. She is out to celebrate all night and most of tomorrow.

Yeah, I know there will be shoveling. Yes, I will hurt again and yes – I will be out there in the snow shoveling and watching the swirl of flakes dance around me.

Oh, yeah I do this with rain as well. I am not good at going to the basement for tornados either – they are just tooooo fascinating to watch.

Happy Storm Day to those of you living in the mid west! I will complain about winter after the joy of the storm is over but for now I am happy waiting for it to begin. snow.JPG

Before the storm – a back garden view


About Joanne Toft

I am a retired Minneapolis Public School teacher. I walk, garden, care for my Grandson and write. Life is good!
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4 Responses to Snow again – Storms a’coming

  1. You’re so right — I complain about winter for sure… except when a storm is coming… that I love!!

  2. Ramona says:

    Enjoy every snowflake! I find myself getting up during the night for snowflake checks too. I hate it when all the snow comes after midnight. I like to be around to watch it fall.

  3. Karine says:

    We don’t get much snow in the UK, so when we get a few inches, it’s quite an event. And it’s just too irresistibly gorgeous out there not to go out with the camera! 🙂


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