When does spring come?

IMG_3969.jpgSpring must come slowly and quietly

Just a little at at time – tiptoeing on paws across the garden

Maybe it comes with one degree warmer each day

Or in the few extra minutes of the sun rising or setting

I know when we marked our calendar

But when will spring be here

It is when it turns 65 degrees

Is it when I can walk barefoot across the grass

Is it when I can feel the moist soil in my fingers

Is it when the first bulbs bloom

When the daffodil turning its face to the sun

I don’t know this year

Spring is hiding

being shy tiptoeing in on tiny cat paws

 oh so slowly and quietly

It is waiting

So I sit and wait  as well


I don’t want to miss that moment

when we can truly say

it is spring


This writing was inspired by a sudden remembering late in the night of Carl Sandburg’s poem. I could not get the phrase “comes on little cat feet” out of my head.


The fog comes
on little cat feet.
It sits looking
over harbor and city
on silent haunches
and then moves on.
It is also motivated by the fact that Minneapolis, MN is currently getting another 6 to 8 inches of snow today on April 3rd!!!!!

About Joanne Toft

I am a retired Minneapolis Public School teacher. I walk, garden, care for my Grandson and write. Life is good!
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5 Responses to When does spring come?

  1. I love that! I am also wondering when exactly spring is going to come. So far, it has not even peeked around the corner.

  2. Alice Nine says:

    Lovely question poem… full of longing. Although we are not having snow, our spring is very late and very slow, and not at all warm. I think Old Man Winter just won’t give up this year. He’s done this before, you know. Hung on into April with a final whopping storm.

  3. Love your poem! Waiting for Spring in PA, too!

  4. I love the questions you pose in your poem – almost mocking spring! My favorite line is the last: “So I sit and wait as well


    I don’t want to miss that moment

    when we can truly say

    it is spring”
    Sitting and waiting in MA, too!

  5. Trina Haase says:

    This is beautiful. As we are in the middle of a snowstorm in Wisconsin, I think that I appreciate your poem even more!

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