Day 22: a simple life

IMG_5204.jpgI was stuck this morning. Not sure what to write about when I realized I live a simple life now. I realize I have crafted this simple life for a reason. After years of running after my own kids and all the students that have run through my classrooms I was ready to have days and days of just simple activities. Days of doing one thing at a time. I was tired of the multi tasking that I was really very good at.

Each day lays out in simple steps. The days may be different but each one has just a few events in it. Each one moves along at a slower pace than I use to go. Each one gives me time to enjoy each event without running off to do something else.

Don’t get me wrong – there are still days when the world gets a bit crazy but they are fewer and farther apart.

My days are consumed with planning and working in my garden -indoors or out. They include time for sewing on my quilt or drawing. There is always time for reading – books and my lovely garden magazines. Some days include people – a friend to sew with or go visit gardens with. (We are headed to the Como Conservatory today to see the new spring tulip display in the sunken garden.)  There is time to prepare a nice evening meal and enjoy it. There is time in the middle of the week to watch a movie or go for a long walk or both. There is time to do yoga and in with friends on social media or play a word game with people who live in far away places.

I still work a few days each week – sometimes every day but time has stretched out in ways I don’t always understand but really enjoy. The hurried feeling I lived with is slowly fading away leaving me with relaxed shoulders,  and a sense of quiet. So sometimes I think – I don’t have much to write about – live is calm and simple.

It then occurs to me that writing about calm and simple is ok as well. Not every post needs to be dramatic or about some big issue. Sometimes it is nice to just write a simple post.

Here is to quiet days!

About Joanne Toft

I am a retired Minneapolis Public School teacher. I walk, garden, care for my Grandson and write. Life is good!
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7 Responses to Day 22: a simple life

  1. Amanda Regan says:

    I so enjoyed reading this! I confess I am a bit envious. I am tired of the constant rushing and long to live life at a slower pace. Unfortunately, retirement is still a long way off, so I will have to be content with breaks for now. Thank you for sharing your peace and contentment with those of us who are still trying to find our own. 🙂

  2. You deserve a quiet, simple life, Joanne, for you did so much for so many for so long.

  3. rdicarne says:

    Your post is a lovely tribute to the simple life. It makes me realize that I need to “craft” some simple time into my schedule or life will just bulldoze over it.

  4. Well said! Enjoy the calm!

  5. Your simple post is a breath of fresh air. What joy you are finding in simplicity! There are good reminders for me in thinking about your words.

  6. Thank you for this! I really mean that. While reading your post, I took a couple of deep breaths, felt myself relax a little in my chair. The pace and mood of the piece is peaceful and calm and relaxing. I needed that.

  7. Trina Haase says:

    Simple is good and it should be celebrated more often! I think that you are also SO right to write about the simple – sometimes that is much more powerful!

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