Slice of Life Challenge Day 29 – don’t fail me now

SONY DSCThe sky is bright blue with a glorious sun. We are on the road to Duluth, Minnesota 150 miles from home. In this short drive I have nothing to do but watch the trees, the lakes, rivers and creeks. I know that in this time I will have a writing idea.  I will have an idea that I really want to write about. Come on don’t fail me now!

We began the trip at 55 degrees and slowly but surely the temperature drops. The forests begin to show snow tucked in at the base of the trees, the open water fades away to lakes with thin ice still floating on top.  We are moving away from spring into the late winter frost and my ideas seem to be freezing as well.

We are three days out from the end of this writing challenge and it hits me. I feel I have nothing to share, no words of importance and I am just babbling away. My mind has frosted over like the quiet woods around me.

IMG_1826Sometimes our writing is just words on a paper or screen with no real direction. It is just a chance to play with words. A chance to play with sentences, thoughts and ideas. At times our writing has no real direction it is just a slice of time.

So here is to a slice of time, a moment in my day. A quiet drive to the north woods with not much to say! SONY DSC

About Joanne Toft

I am a retired Minneapolis Public School teacher. I walk, garden, care for my Grandson and write. Life is good!
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7 Responses to Slice of Life Challenge Day 29 – don’t fail me now

  1. Katy Collins says:

    I know exactly what you mean…sometimes you are in the perfect place at the perfect time, looking hard for the slice, and you just can’t find the way to frame it! You did an awesome job with your descriptions, both of your surroundings and your feelings towards slicing.

    I loved this part: “Sometimes our writing is just words on a paper or screen with no real direction. It is just a chance to play with words. A chance to play with sentences, thoughts and ideas. At times our writing has no real direction it is just a slice of time.”

    That’s one of my favorite parts of the Slice of Life–playing with words, thoughts and ideas! Great slice!

  2. litcoach64 says:

    Even though you were writing about saying nothing, your words created a picture of what you were seeing during your drive. It was lovely!

  3. arjeha says:

    Notice I have not yet posted. Still trying to come up with an idea. Sometimes having no idea leads to an interesting post.

  4. Tara Smith says:

    Oh, but you did have much to show! Just lovely, Joanne.

  5. Linda Baie says:

    I thoroughly enjoyed your “slice of time”, Joanne, and chuckled a lot over the words “don’t fail me now”. We have been there too, our “ideas freezing”. I love that your trip actually did provide a metaphor for you. As you traveled the weather became frostier, like the words. Hope you have a good time in Duluth!

  6. elsie says:

    Moving towards the north sends you into a frostier world, and you just think your ideas froze up. Not so! Brrr! Glad I was not heading that way. I loved your descriptions.

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