Slice of Life/14 Rain, rain and more rain

We are having continued days of rain. It started on Tuesday and now late on Thursday night it is still coming down. If it were April or May I would say this is a lot of moisture but the ground can take it.

It is not April or May it is mid March and we have just finished a round of heavy snows. The rain is helping to melt the snow (which is great) except that just means more water and there is no place for it to go. The ground is frozen with feet of snow on top. The storm sewers are frozen and many are still buried under shoulder high piles of snow.

The city has water pooling at every intersection and anywhere there is a hill it looks like a river or creek. Water is running, creating deep furrows in the snow and ice making things look like rock carving in the Grand Canyon. Think of those years of water running to cut through the rock. We now have days of water cutting through the snow. Amazing to watch if you are not mopping up your basement or working to cut channels in the ice for water to run off the sidewalks.

Basements are flooding, standing water on the sidewalks and large ponds are forming in the yards and streets where snow has melted. I don’t recall ever having a winter/spring like this one. Some how we will get to green grass and dry streets.

In the middle of this wet mess I am having a garden party on Saturday. Family are gathering to begin planting seeds to go under the grow light. We are determined that spring will come and the garden will happen!

Here is to coming spring!


About Joanne Toft

I am a retired Minneapolis Public School teacher. I walk, garden, care for my Grandson and write. Life is good!
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